Culex mattinglyi (L)
Culex mattinglyi
(Knight, 1953)
Type-loc: Yemen
Culex mattinglyi (F)
Developmental stage
2. larva
ABDOMEN: Arrangement of the siphon setae 1-S
non décrit
HEAD: Number of branches of the seta 6-C
THORAX: Number of branches of the prothoracic seta 3-P
HEAD: colour of maxillary palpus
1. entirely dark
HEAD: colour of proboscis
1. entirely dark
HEAD: Number of teeth of the mentum
HEAD: Insertion of the antennal seta 3- A
HEAD: Shape of the pre-clypeal seta 1-C
HEAD: Number of branches of the seta 4-C
HEAD: Number of branches of the seta 5-C
HEAD: Number of branches of the seta 14-C
THORAX: Prespiracular and postspiracular setae
1. prespiracular and postspiracular setae absent
THORAX: scutum's ornamentation
1. without well-marked patterns
THORAX: prealar areas ornamentation
1. without prealar scales
2. with at most 1 or 2 pale scales
3. with 1 pale scale patch
THORAX: lower mesepimeral seta
2. 1 seta
THORAX: postspiracular area's ornamentation
1. without scales
THORAX: Number of branches of the prothoracic seta 8-P
THORAX: Number of branches of the prothoracic seta 4-P
WING: colour of the scales on the wing veins
1. dark scales only
2. pale scales only along the costal margin
WING: position of wing veins R2+3 and M1+2
1. furcation of vein R2+3 is closer to furcation of vein M1+2
2. furcation of vein R2+3 more distant from the furcation of vein M1+2
WING: Uranotaenia or not
2. apex of anal vein ends after mcu/cuA fork
4. length of the R2+R3 vein is shorter than R2/R3
WINGS and LEGS I - III: Culex or Coquillettidia
2. wing scales narrow, pulvili present, claws smaller - Culex genus
LEG I: tibia's colour
2. with an apical pale ring
LEG I: Orthopodomyia or not
2. tarsomere 4 is equal or longer than tarsomere 5
4. length of tarsomere 1 is shorter than tarsomere 2 through 5
LEG III: colour of tibia
2. with an apical pale ring
LEG I: colour of the scales on the coxa
1. with a majority of pale scales
2. with pale and dark scales
LEG II: tibia's colour
1. dark with at most some pale scales
2. with an apical pale ring
LEG II: colour of the external side of the femur
1. entirely dark
2. with a longitudinal pale band
3. with a mixture of pale and dark scales
LEG III: relative sizes of tarsomere 1 and tibia
1. tarsomere nearly as long as tibia
3. tarsomer clearly longer than tibia
LEG III: colour of femur
1. with the basal half partially dark
ABDOMEN: colour of tergite III
2. with a basal pale band
ABDOMEN: Ornametation of tergite III
2. with a basal pale band
ABDOMEN: Respiratory aperture - Siphon
2. opening at the apex of a cylindrical tube - siphon
ABDOMEN: Siphonal tufts
1. several pairs of siphonal tufts - Culex
ABDOMEN: Abdominal plates
1. abdominal plates absent
ABDOMEN: Number of branches of the caudal seta 1-X
ABDOMEN: Shape of the siphon sub-apical spine 2-S
ABDOMEN: Shape of the distal tooth of the siphon pecten
ABDOMEN: Length of seta 1a-S and the siphon's diameter
ABDOMEN: Insertion of the seta 1-S _ Culex
ABDOMEN: Number of branches on seta 1a-S on the siphon
ABDOMEN: Siphon index (total length/diameter at base)
ABDOMEN: general shape of the siphon
ABDOMEN: shape of the comb scales
ABDOMEN: arrangement of the comb scales
ABDOMEN: Number of branches of the seta 6-VI
ABDOMEN: Number of branches of the seta 7-I
SAMPLING AREA: North of Mediterranean Sea
SAMPLING AREA: East of Mediterranean Sea
SAMPLING AREA: South of Mediterranean Sea